Monday 20 April 2009


It may also be very useful to use the questions in the OCR AS Media Studies book, pages 35-41 as a focus for some of your evaluation as it asks some very pertinent questions. Your evaluation carries 10 % of your overall AS mark.

You need to sit down now and quickly draw up an action plan and schedule for your evaluation.

It may also be useful to assign particular elements of organization to individuals within your group.

Decide what you are going to do, how you are going to facilitate it, how you are you going to manage it and when you are going to do it. Remember you have 10 days, there is little flexibility for changing schedules.

Mark Scheme (top band)

Level 4           16–20 marks 

Excellent understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, 

forms and conventions in relation to production. 

Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.  

Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task. 

Excellent ability to communicate. 

Excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation 

Even though this is a group collaboration, I will be marking you individually depending on how well you contribute to the group evaluation.


Your evaluation is to take an electronic form, therefore I do not wish your evaluations to be an online essay on your blog.

You are a student of Media Studies and should be trying to make your evaluations as dynamic and engaging using the range of resources at your fingertips.

You will need to use youtube to help you with audience feedback, why not have a viral for some of your friends (those who you think would comment helpfully).

You should maybe try to use Voicethread 

You could also create a set of extras for your DVD.

Your final DVD should be playable on a home DVD player.

You could video a group discussion/focus group on your movie.

Remember to address ALL SEVEN of the areas of evaluation.

Post all developments to your blog please.

Evaluations to be completed by Friday the 1st of May, and that deadline is FINAL.


Candidates will evaluate their work electronically. This MUST contain an element of audience
feedback and may be either integrated with the presentation of the research and planning material
or may be presented separately. Where candidates have worked in a group, the evaluation may be
presented individually or collectively but the teacher must allocate a mark according the
contribution/level of understanding demonstrated by the individual candidate.
The questions that must be addressed in the evaluation are:

• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?

• How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

• Who would be the audience for your media product?

• How did you attract/address your audience?

• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from
it to the full product?