Tuesday 16 September 2008


A wee site y'all might be interested in is www.last.fm effectively an online personalised radio station, which is legit!!

www.emusic.com is the subscription based site I use

www.7digital.com is another site

you can listen to loads of great music on digital radio sites, worth checking out

A couple of articles here on that myspace music worth reading:



Mistral-HowTo said...

Last fm is so gooood (Y)

theopportunisticflipfloppers08 said...

yip, it is indeed class, such a good way of finding out about new music too. There are some other ones like Pandora, but I think they might be in a wee bit of trouble these days

theopportunisticflipfloppers08 said...

helpful wee wiki on last.fm too

Dan Kelly said...

Such a class site,
I abuse it.