Thursday 27 November 2008

Spooks Analysis (for Tues 2nd December)

As part of preparation for your mock examinations (and for your AS exam), I would like you to to do a thorough analysis of representation in the BBC Drama Spooks.

Please try to follow the rubric as you would in an exam (take one hour to do this)

The extract is from 04.45-10.06

• The extract will be screened four times.

• First screening: watch the extract; no notes are to be made this time.

• Second screening: watch the extract and make notes.

• There will be a brief break for note-making.

• Third and fourth screening: watch the extract and make notes.

Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations of social status and class using the following:
• Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
• Editing
• Sound
• Mise-en-scene [50]


Mistral-HowTo said...

What does "• Mise-en-scene [50]" mean, well, specifically the 50 bit i know what the rest means, i just want to keep it in context.. you know what i mean!

theopportunisticflipfloppers08 said...

the 50 is the marks available for the whole question Lauren.

Mistral-HowTo said...

I can't find your email adress so i've posted this on my blog.