Thursday 17 December 2009

The Kettle's Bin GAT!

So it has so it has.

Just need cups, and em milk, and like treats n stuff

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Apple buys

Remember LaLa that we looked at last year? Well it has just been bought by Apple, possibly for their online music storage and streaming capabilities.

Again, this raises interesting questions around ownership and distribution.... so much happening right now!!

Record Labels Face $6 Billion Damages for Pirating Artists

Monday 7 December 2009

more EMI

More Spotify and Myspace

Spotify could be dead within a year?


An interesting, "older" article on how Spotify challenges the question of ownership

compare the music market....

You have price comparison sites for hotels, insurance and mortgages. Martin Lewis, who has been advising people on their consumer rights online for years, has now developed his price comparison site for MP3s. It's not bad, and the interface is a bit gnarly, and I have seen similar ones for more dance-oriented music too.

Friday 4 December 2009

The Prodigy

Amazing video of how the samples were used to create The Prodigy's most infamous song, really, really cool video.... so simple, but so well put together

Thursday 3 December 2009

Big internet Hitters pledge Mandelson to remove clause

.... From Digital Rights Bill, even Google are involved

Google, Facebook, Yahoo and eBay call on business secretary not to grant wide powers to ministers to alter copyright law

Leading internet companies including Google have written to business secretary Peter Mandelson urging him to change the new digital economy bill to throw out a controversial clause that could give future ministers sweeping powers to change copyright law.

Their letter, sent to coincide with today's second reading of the recently announced bill in the Lords, voices support for parts of the bill and a "shared respect" for copyright. But Google, Facebook, Yahoo and eBayalso express "grave concerns" over proposed measures "which risk stifling innovation and damaging the government's vision for a digital Britain."

They highlight elements of Mandelson's bill introduced at the 11th hour: "In particular, we believe the bill's clause 17 – which gives any future secretary of state unprecedented and sweeping powers to amend theCopyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 – opens the way for arbitrary measures. This power could be used, for example, to introduce additional technical measures or increase monitoring of user data even where no illegal practice has taken place," the letter said.

The internet companies warn that such an unclear copyright backdrop could run counter to former communications minister Stephen Carter'sDigital Britain report, which examined ways to ensure the UK remained at the leading edge of the global digital economy.

"This would discourage innovation, impose unnecessary costs, potentially unsettling the careful balance of responsibilities for enabling market change which Lord Carter outlined in the Digital Britain report," the letter said. "This clause is so wide that it could put at risk legitimate consumer use of current technology as well as future developments ... The industry as a whole had hoped that the outcome of Digital Britain would be a clear, workable set of principles by which the industry could operate. On the contrary, clause 17 creates uncertainty for consumers and businesses and puts at risk the UK's leading position in a digital Europe. We urge you to remove clause 17 from the bill."

A spokesman for Mandelson's department sought to reassure the internet companies the government would not abuse any future powers.

"The law must keep pace with technology, so that the government can act if new ways of seriously infringing copyright develop in the future. However, business will not wake up one morning to a world in which government has taken extensive digital powers," he said.

While the digital economy bill was welcomed by many media companies,which feel their copyright on music, film and other content need better protection online, it has also faced a large amount of opposition from internet service providers and consumer groups.

Carphone Warehouse boss Charles Dunstone recently condemned as "crazy" plans to combat online piracy by severing people's broadband connections. The group's broadband arm, TalkTalk, has threatened to take legal action if proposals to cut off persistent unlawful online file sharers make it into law.

An e-petition on the No 10 website against the law has already garnered more than 28,000 signatories and the support of such technophiles as Stephen Fry.

Music labels should make filesharing work opposed to criminalising downloaders, according to this article:

Myspace Music steps it up a gear

In the face of massive rivalry from the likes of facebook, soundcloud and spotify, Myspace music launches a challenge. Apparently it isn't "just a utility for streaming music, this isn't just passive. It's is a combination of a streaming service with a ton of information.":

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Wi-Fi Hotspots to become a thing of the past under DRB

Interesting stuff:

I was thinking too about how bandwidth-heavy users may be part of collateral damage on this too. For example, when I use the BBC iPlayer, it hogs the life out of my connection, and this is due to the fact that the iPlayer uses P2P technology to create so many streams. Also, I download a few gigabytes of LEGAL music a month too. AAAAND... what if you are a heavy online gamer, what with MW2 etc etc???

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Digital Economy Essay

The Digital Economy Bill was drafted in order to "
ensure a world-class digital future following the Digital Britain White Paper , published on 16 June 2009, setting out the Government's ambition to secure the UK's position as one of the world's leading digital knowledge economies and take forward a new, more active industrial policy to maximise the benefits from the digital revolution".

In your opinion, and in light of the recent media backlash, how has the original philosophy behind the Bill changed and why do you think this is?


If you are doing a re-sit and wish to email me essays, please do at

It would be worth your while to go back through this blog, along with some research on your own and write an essay on each of the main topics, which are:

production/manufacture/distribution/convergence/ownership/marketing/sales/new technologies/promotion

It would also be good to choose a 5 minute segment from a British Tv Drama and write an analysis on representation. Just let me know the clip from where you took it. You could even look at how disability has been represented in the new C4 drama Cast Offs.

iphone convergence trend?

As you all know, I have got Sky Sports currently free on my iphone. Will I pay the £6 per month when the free trial runs out? Yes. Am I happy to spend £10 on Spotify? Yes. Do I download music and video to my phone from itunes and pay for it? Sometimes. Would I pay to read a newspaper on my phone? Nah m8.
Similar findings in the article below:

Tuesday 24 November 2009

simplified music distribution..

"RouteNote is an independent digital music company, unlike other music distributors because we don't make any upfront charges in our distribution deal.
If you're an indie artist or record label we want to help make your music make you money by getting your tracks up on retail sites that cover more than 95% of the digital retail market. "

Piracy..... again

Some interesting articles on piracy, even in the home of the Piratebay in Sweden:

Murdoch v Google and his plans for the future

News Corp magnate Rupert Murdoch's plans to tackle google and other interesting developments:

Digital Economy Bill

Some good articles on the recently published Digital Economy Bill, which has huge ramifications for the development of online media and its consumption in Britain:

the petition against it too, sign if you wish.....

Thursday 3 September 2009

Online Tutorials

Guys, there are a good few tutorials online and I have ordered some videos as well. Hopefully the links below help you to get started. We'll spend the next while familiarizing ourselves with the new software.

The rest of appleshakeguru's vids are on his page here

live type

imovie and FCP together

pt 4

pt 3

pt 2


And what better way to celebrate great results and coming back than with new Macs and new software...YAY!

Final Cut Pro is the choice of the professionals and I hope we can get you trained to an Industry standard in the next year.

There are some great online tutorials to help you get through the program from the most basic settings to very advanced editing. Good luck!

Sunday 31 May 2009

Smalltown files

Hi folks
the Smalltown files are available for re-download here:
I did not realise that they were numbers and keynote files rather than excel and powerpoint. the link is at the bottom of the page

Thursday 21 May 2009


This is a really cool application that allows people to move, transfer and promote music online. I thought Andrew may not have heard of it.....but typically with STA they are taking advantage of every new technology available to them. He said this is how they accept demo submissions from new bands.

Representation of Ethnicity

Spooks is a good choice in terms of representation of stereotype in a multi-cultural Britain. It addresses some of the stereotypes that reveal underlying national tensions, especially on the threat of homegrown terrorism. 

Have a look at this episode from 5:39-11:05 to see how the theme of ethnicity is developed.

It is especially useful to look at the contrasts in mise-en-scene and the way that the narratives are juxtaposed (set side by side) in order to create differing attitudes towards the subject.

Use episode 3 from season 7 here:

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Practice Paper: TV Drama

Download the past paper from here:

use the 5 min clip starting at 1 min 21 on this clip

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Some more Convergence

As we were discussing the idea of convergence earlier, how iTunes store is available on your iPhone/iTouch to download directly to your device, it might also be useful to have a look at the likes of Nokia's download service. I couldn't get a proper browse at it as it only supports Windows.....d'oh


I think it would be well worth your while to have a look around the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) website.

It has some really good factual information and also you can see what they think about filesharing and the future of music too:

Some Smalltown Updates....

On digital v physical sales & sustainability of CDs:
STA Income 2006-07 Physical 92% Digital 8% Income 2007-2008 Physical 76% vs 24% Income 2008-2009 Physical 66% vs 34%

The physical product is sustainable but only in niche environments (black metal, jazz, yoga classes, birthday parties) - the digital download offers a viable distribution channel for all back catalogue artists and mainstream 'stars'.

Downloads will take over physical sales (like for like) in 2011 - 2012, BPI will have all the reporting you need online.

It is incredibly hard to get point of sale racking in the high street and as a result the choice consumers have is drastically reduced.

On merchandising:
We offer a brokerage service for touring and merchandising at standard industry commission of 20% - this is over and above the recording agreements. Some of our artists work with us in this way, some choose to use other agencies.

Download all of the Smalltown info from here:


You can read some more about EMI and the "big four" here:

Radiohead: In Rainbows

I forgot to mention this, but it is a bit similar to Dangermouse in some ways...

One of the biggest bands in the world decided to release their first studio album after leaving EMI as a digital download, and customers could pay as much (or indeed as little) as they wanted for the download. It was released as a CD, you could also buy a Radiohead memory stick with the album pre-loaded onto it. Check out more here:

Saturday 16 May 2009

The Jane Bradfords Case Study

Thanks to my good friend Deci from the Jane Bradfords really kindly wrote an essay for you all.... You could at least try and buy his music as thanks now!!

Download it from Sendspace here:

Dangermouse vs EMI

DAngermouse to just release a blank CDR of his new album after fallout with EMI

Dangermouse and Girltalk (both in the Goodcopybadcopy docu) also raise questions of ownership in terms of using samples to create new music (look at DM's Gray album)

Monday 11 May 2009

Institutions and Audiences

Section B: Institutions and Audiences 

Candidates should be prepared to understand and discuss the processes of production, 

distribution, marketing and exchange as they relate to contemporary media institutions, as well as 

the nature of audience consumption and the relationships between audiences and institutions. In 

addition, candidates should be familiar with: 

the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice; 

the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and 


the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, 

distribution, marketing and exchange; 

the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences; 

the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences; 

the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by 

international or global institutions; 

the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider 

patterns and trends of audience behaviour. 

This unit should be approached through contemporary examples in the form of case studies based 

upon one of the specified media areas.

Monday 20 April 2009


It may also be very useful to use the questions in the OCR AS Media Studies book, pages 35-41 as a focus for some of your evaluation as it asks some very pertinent questions. Your evaluation carries 10 % of your overall AS mark.

You need to sit down now and quickly draw up an action plan and schedule for your evaluation.

It may also be useful to assign particular elements of organization to individuals within your group.

Decide what you are going to do, how you are going to facilitate it, how you are you going to manage it and when you are going to do it. Remember you have 10 days, there is little flexibility for changing schedules.

Mark Scheme (top band)

Level 4           16–20 marks 

Excellent understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, 

forms and conventions in relation to production. 

Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.  

Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task. 

Excellent ability to communicate. 

Excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation 

Even though this is a group collaboration, I will be marking you individually depending on how well you contribute to the group evaluation.


Your evaluation is to take an electronic form, therefore I do not wish your evaluations to be an online essay on your blog.

You are a student of Media Studies and should be trying to make your evaluations as dynamic and engaging using the range of resources at your fingertips.

You will need to use youtube to help you with audience feedback, why not have a viral for some of your friends (those who you think would comment helpfully).

You should maybe try to use Voicethread 

You could also create a set of extras for your DVD.

Your final DVD should be playable on a home DVD player.

You could video a group discussion/focus group on your movie.

Remember to address ALL SEVEN of the areas of evaluation.

Post all developments to your blog please.

Evaluations to be completed by Friday the 1st of May, and that deadline is FINAL.


Candidates will evaluate their work electronically. This MUST contain an element of audience
feedback and may be either integrated with the presentation of the research and planning material
or may be presented separately. Where candidates have worked in a group, the evaluation may be
presented individually or collectively but the teacher must allocate a mark according the
contribution/level of understanding demonstrated by the individual candidate.
The questions that must be addressed in the evaluation are:

• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?

• How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

• Who would be the audience for your media product?

• How did you attract/address your audience?

• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from
it to the full product?

Monday 26 January 2009

Some New Tasks

Ok, we're starting to get serious now.......

What I would like each group to do now is to set up a blog collectively for their movie.

In this blog I would like you to start posting your influences on your movie and reasons why you have chosen them.

I would also like you to give your blog a "skin" and identity that reflects the mood of your film.

This Blog should be called by your production team/movie name.

Once you have decided on your movie genre/style, you need to define the conventions as you see it of that genre, examining what the language of those films are.

You must then examine what the audience expectations of a movie from your chosen genre would be.

I would like a synopsis of your WHOLE movie first.

Storyboard to be done for Tuesday 3rd February (finished for class on Tues)

Another School's Thriller Video

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Ghostbusters...the video game!!

As if by magic, the gods of videogame have just made those childhood dreams come true...