Tuesday 19 May 2009

Some Smalltown Updates....

On digital v physical sales & sustainability of CDs:
STA Income 2006-07 Physical 92% Digital 8% Income 2007-2008 Physical 76% vs 24% Income 2008-2009 Physical 66% vs 34%

The physical product is sustainable but only in niche environments (black metal, jazz, yoga classes, birthday parties) - the digital download offers a viable distribution channel for all back catalogue artists and mainstream 'stars'.

Downloads will take over physical sales (like for like) in 2011 - 2012, BPI will have all the reporting you need online.

It is incredibly hard to get point of sale racking in the high street and as a result the choice consumers have is drastically reduced.

On merchandising:
We offer a brokerage service for touring and merchandising at standard industry commission of 20% - this is over and above the recording agreements. Some of our artists work with us in this way, some choose to use other agencies.

Download all of the Smalltown info from here:

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