Thursday 18 September 2008


Someone recently sent me this blog, and many of the illustrations in it capture the (what was for me anyway) the obsessive nature of collecting music.

As I have said to you before, I do miss buying vinyl, though now I can buy more for less and diversify the type of music I am buying as I used to have to choose before between Record A (Techno) and Record B( house). I Used to buy reocrd A because there were only 500 made, few others would have it, i would be the first to have it, this would be THE track, etc etc. Or It would be a rare import, with one track on it that was outstanding and 8 others rubbish, but you really wanted it and then that meant that you couldn't get the other 4 records you wanted because that one was so expensive. Being able to buy mp3s offers a great deal of freedom but.....

The above reasons were what made it all so special, that made your reecord collection unique, that when you played it you could say.."there are only 500 of those".

I suppose my greed for lots and lots of music is assuaged with the availability of mp3, I can get both A and B now, but I do miss spending all my free time looking for vinyl, i suppose I can have some of my life back and nerd off about something else equally as trivial and boring to other people.

It goes back to what Lauren was saying, she doesn't want to gather a whole pile of dusty bits of plastic, and I suppose I definitely have got less precious about owning music, but I'm not always sure that it's the right thing........ the quandry continues......


Mistral-HowTo said...
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Mistral-HowTo said...

Great blog! the illustrations are really perfect for the captions! i'm pretty sure my da is a Crate digger, but not in the DJ sense, more in the "this might be worth a few bob on ebay." sense, the shame.